WPF Audio Visualizer

WPF C# Audio Visualizer from Anton Winter on Vimeo.

Here is a quick 30 second clip of my WPFaudio visualizer.

WPF does a lot of things well, but the things it doesnt do require us developers to delve deep into the internals of Windows.

Its built with WPF including the new shader effects and Directshow with the sample grabber. The WPF communicates via interop to a small C++ component that then builds a filter graph for the MP3 and connects the sample grabber.

The Shader effects come from the WPF toolkit. In particular, the effects i am using are Pinch, Swirl and twist.

On a political note, i picked NIN as the song because of their strong stance on Creative Commons Releases. The last thing i want is a music company lawyer giving me a takedown notice for having this demo up on my blog. So, thanks Nine Inch Nails for the music.