css trick, sections all the same height as the screen

What would be cool is to have a webpage where the first thing the user sees is fullscreen ( example a picture ) but still be able to scroll down to see more content.

here is a bit of a modification from a stackoverflow solution
(stackoverflow solution http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8264499/css-min-height-100-with-multiple-divs?rq=1)

I just converted it to not have a header or a footer. and added content beyond the first screen.

CSS3 special effect for your images, look ma, no javascipt

A simple but cool effect with minimal HTML and CSS and no javascript.

 This works in most modern browsers ( IE not included )

 hover over the iphone to see it "phase out" Feel free to use the code on the fiddle.


Getting Rails and Postgres configured on Win8

Heroku promises minimal config for rails devs, but out of the box, it has taken a bit of research to get it working right with Win8

 especially since rails seems to have mysql as the default... weird choice imho.

 Beyond following heroku instructions there are a couple other steps.

 Firstly, I can recommend getting aptana set up, it has a default rails project that has most things setup.

 next in postgres you have to set a role for your project to use. my role is called example and i setup it with just about all privileges on to get things going.

 In Aptana, create a new Rails project.

from the console terminal that aptana creates install a couple gems

gem install pg 
gem install activerecord-postgresql-adapter 

in Aptana in your project make the following changes to config/database.yml 

Remove the setting for the sqlite3 and replace the settings for your postgres db.
( example needs to be replaced with your settings. )

 adapter: postgresql 
 database: example_db 

 then in the Gemfile in your project remove gem 'sqlite3' and replace with gem 'pg'

 lastly in the command line console of Apatana, type rake db:create

hopefully thats it